Thursday, October 8, 2009

Astronomy Documentary Project

We will not be having class on Friday and will instead have a special project. I am asking each of you to watch an astronomy program on television during the next week (October 9-18). This can be on broadcast television or cable, but it must be a scheduled television program and not on a computer or on DVD. I checked and there are indeed shows available on both broadcast and cable television this week. To receive your credit, answer the questions on this form before October 18 at midnight.

Also, on Friday morning, I will be having my office hours on the second floor of Powell in room 217.

Assignment 7 and Assignment 8

I've posted Assignment 7 and Assignment 8 on MasteringAstronomy. Since there was some delay getting Assignment 7 posted, I have postponed the deadline for this until October 12th at 11:59 PM. The deadline for Assignment 8 is still October 14th at 11:59 PM.