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Dave Gammon's Publications

(Email me for a pdf of any of these papers; * = undergraduate author)

33) Gammon, D.E. and *A.M. Corsiglia. 2019. Mockingbirds imitate frogs and toads across North America. Behavioural Processes 169:103982. [abstract]

32) Gammon, D.E. 2018. Oil in the Amazon: Is Sustainable Development Possible? National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science. [abstract]

31) Gammon, D.E., and *R.P. Lyon. 2017. An acoustic comparison of mimetic and non-mimetic song in northern mockingbirds, Mimus polyglottos 105:37-42. [abstract]

30) Kershenbaum, A., T.M. Freeberg, and D.E. Gammon. 2015. Estimating vocal repertoire size is like collecting coupons: A theoretical framework with heterogeneity in signal abundance. Journal of Theoretical Biology 373:1-11 [abstract]

29) Gammon, D.E. 2014. Seasonal patterns of vocal mimicry in northern mockingbirds Mimus polyglottos. Journal of Avian Biology 45:545-550 [abstract]

28) Gammon, D.E. 2013. How is model selection determined in a vocal mimic?: tests of five hypotheses. Behaviour 150:1375-1397. [abstract]

27) Train, T.L. and D.E. Gammon. 2012. The structure and assessment of a unique and popular interdisciplinary science course for non-majors Journal of College Science Teaching 42(1):50-57. [abstract]

26) Kamela, M. and D.E. Gammon. 2012. The Mobile Science Center: Promoting Science Engagement through Service-Learning. The International Journal of Science in Society 2(4):1-12. [abstract]

25) Gammon,D.E., J.M. Platania, S. Manring, and *D. Muñoz. 2011. Economics: the overlooked discipline in Earth Stewardship. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9(10):535. [abstract]

24) Kapfer, J.M, D.E. Gammon, and J.D. Groves. 2011. First detailed report of carrion-feeding by Barred Owls (Strix varia). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 123(3):646-649. [abstract]

23) Grimley, E., D. Wright, and D. Gammon. 2011. Science Without Borders. The International Journal of Science in Society 2(2):171-180. [abstract]

22) Gammon, D.E. and *C.E. Altizer. 2011. Northern mockingbirds (Mimus polyglottos) produce syntactical patterns of vocal mimicry that reflect taxonomy of imitated species. Journal of Field Ornithology 82(2):158-164. [abstract]

21) Hoeschele, M., D.E. Gammon, M.K. Moscicki and C.B. Sturdy. 2009. Note types and coding in Parid vocalizations: the chick-a-dee call of the chestnut-backed chickadee (Poecile rufescens). Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 126:2088-2099. [abstract]

20) Gammon, D.E., *M.C. Hendrick and M.C. Baker. 2008. Vocal communication in a songbird with a novel song repertoire. Behaviour 145:1003-1026. [abstract]

19) Baker, M.C. and D.E. Gammon. 2008. Vocal memes in natural populations of chickadees: why do some memes persist and others go extinct? Animal Behaviour 75:279-289. [abstract]

18) *Wampler, E. and D.E. Gammon. 2007. Aggressive head-up displays in great-tailed grackles (Quiscalus mexicanus). Texas Journal of Science 59:151-155.

17) Gammon, D.E. 2007. How post-dispersal social environment may influence acoustic variation in birdsong. In K. Otter, ed. Ecology and Behavior of Chickadees and Titmice: An Integrated Approach, pp. 183-197. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

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16) Baker, M.C. and D.E. Gammon. 2007. The gargle call of black-capped chickadees: ontogeny, acoustic structure, population patterns, function, and processes leading to sharing of call characteristics. In K. Otter, ed. Ecology and Behavior of Chickadees and Titmice: An Integrated Approach, pp. 167-182. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

15) Freeberg, T.M., M.C. Baker, L.L. Bloomfield, I. Charrier, D.E. Gammon, J.P. Hailman, T.T.-Y Lee, J.R. Lucas, D.J. Mennill and C.B. Sturdy. 2007. Synopsis III – Complexities in vocal communication. In K. Otter, ed. Ecology and Behavior of Chickadees and Titmice: An Integrated Approach, pp. 235-240. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

14) Auer, S.K, D.M. Logue, R.D. Bassar and D.E. Gammon. 2007. Nesting biology of the Black-bellied Wren (Thryothorus fasciatoventris) in Central Panama. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 119:71-76. [abstract]

13) Baker, M.C. and D.E. Gammon. 2006. Persistence and change of vocal signals in natural populations of chickadees: annual sampling of the gargle call over eight seasons. Behaviour 143:1473-1509. [abstract]

12) Gammon, D.E., M.C. Baker and *J.R. Tipton. 2005. Cultural divergence within novel song in the Black-capped Chickadee. Auk 122:853-871. [abstract]

11) Logue, D.M, D.E. Gammon and M.C. Baker. 2005. Minidisc recorders versus audiocassette recorders: a performance comparison. Bioacoustics. 15:15-33. [abstract]

10) Gammon, D.E. 2004. Black-capped Chickadee Dawn Chorus and Subsequent Sexual Activity. Wilson Bulletin. 116:252-256. [abstract]

9) *Johnson, B.W., *R. Bortner, *J. Kemp, *T. Sichmiller, *S. Swanty, *T. Tepe and D.E. Gammon. 2004. Human awareness concerning the effects of domestic cats on wildlife along the Front Range, Colorado: a survey. Colorado Birds Quarterly 38:150-154. [abstract]

8) Gammon, D.E. and M.C. Baker. 2004. Are conspecific vocalizations sufficient to alter food-caching behavior in a winter-flocking bird? Bird Behavior 16:21-26. [abstract]

7) Logue, D.M. and D.E. Gammon. 2004. Duet song and sex roles during territory defense in the black-bellied wren, Thryothorus fasciatoventris. Animal Behaviour 68:721-731. [abstract]

6) Gammon, D.E. and M.C. Baker. 2004. Song repertoire evolution and acoustic divergence in a population of black-capped chickadees. Animal Behaviour 68:903-913. [abstract]

5) Baker, M.C., *M.S.A. Baker, and D.E. Gammon. 2003. Vocal ontogeny of nestling and fledgling black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapilla) in natural populations. Bioacoustics 13:265-296.  [abstract]

4) Gammon, D.E., M.C. Baker and *L. Betancourt. 2002. Juvenile hand-raised Black-capped Chickadees do not behave differently in response to playback of conspecific vocalizations. Condor 104(4):854-858. [abstract]

3) *Gammon, D.E. and B.A. Maurer. 2002. Evidence for non-uniform dispersal in the biological invasions of two naturalised North American bird species. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 11(2):155-161[abstract]

2) *Hutchinson, A., *K.D. Hooker and D.E. Gammon. 2001. Biotic and abiotic factors that influence directional nest cavity placement in Northern Flickers. Journal of the Colorado Field Ornithologists 35(3):112-119. [abstract]

1) Maurer, B.A., E.T. Linder and *D. Gammon. 2001. A geographical perspective on the biotic homogenization process: implications from the macroecology of North American birds. In J. L. Lockwood and M. L. McKinney, eds. Biotic Homogenization: The Loss of Diversity Through Invasion and Extinction, pp. 157-178. Columbia University Press, New York.