Sturgill, Amanda. (1998). Relationship of telecommuting to organizational communication : a preliminary study of group process and communication satisfaction.. Ph.D. Dissertation, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
Sturgill, Amanda. (1995). Predictors of computer network adoption and use: A study of Cornell University freshmen. M.S. Thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
Sturgill, Amanda and Jongsuwanwattana, Pattama (2006). "Legal and Ethical Concerns of Gathering Data Via Internet." In Handbook of Electronic Surveys and Measurement. Hershey, Penn.: IDEA Group publishing.
Sturgill, Amanda. (2006). "Evangelicalism." In Encyclopedia of Religion, Communication and Media. Oxford, UK: Routledge.
Rieger, R. and Sturgill, A. (1999) Evaluating on-line environments: Tools for observing users and gathering feedback. In New Directions for Evaluation, Capturing Complexity: Issues and Techniques for Using Technology in Evaluation. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Gay, G., Rieger, R. and Sturgill, A. (1998) Findings of the MESL Casual User Survey. In Getty Information Institute (Ed.), MESL: Delivering Digital Images (pp. 122-132). Los Angeles: Getty Information Institute.
Motley, P. and Sturgill, A. (2013) Assessing the Merits of International Service-learning in Developing Professionalism in Mass Communication. Communication Teacher 1-18.
Sturgill, A. Pierce R. , Wang Y. (2010) Online News Websites: How Much Content Do Young Adults Want? Journal of Magazine and New Media Research 11(2): 18 pp.
Sturgill, A., Winney, J. and Libhart, T. (2008) Harry Potter and ChildrenÕs Perceptions of the News Media. American Communication Journal. 10(1).
Sturgill, A. (2007). Municipal Information Web Sites And The Language Divide. Electronic Journal of Communication 17 (3,4).
Sturgill, A. (2005) Rural Voters and Local Elections on the Internet: Implications for Web Site Design. Southwestern Journal of Mass Communication Research 21(1) 1-11.
Sturgill, A. (2004) "Scope and Purposes of Church Web Sites," Journal of Media and Religion 3(3)165-176.
(With Gay, G. and Martin, W.) (1999) Surviving Technology: A Study of Student Use of Computer-Mediated Communication to Support Technology Education International Journal of Educational Telecommunications.
(With Gay, G.; Martin, W. and Huttenlocher, D.) (1999) Using distributed web resources to support engineering education. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication.
Sturgill, A. and Motley, P. (2013) Mapping the Experiential: Environment and Task and Their Effects on Planning, Implementation and Assessment for Applied Service-learning Projects Presented at the Conference on Applied Learning in Higher Education, St. Joseph, MO.
Sturgill, A. and Motley, P. (2012) Preparation for international service-learning: evaluating pre-trip cultural training. Presented at the International Association for Research in Service-Learning and Civic Engagement, Baltimore, MD
Motley, P., Sturgill, A. and A. Mitra. (2012) International service-learning: The need for cultural preparation. Presented at the International Association for Research in Service-Learning and Civic Engagement, Baltimore, MD
Sturgilll, A., Motley, P., and S. Nam. (2011) International Service-learning as a Mechanism for Building Skills in Mass Communication: Enhancing Ability through Authentic Experiences. Presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual meeting, St. Louis, MO.
Sturgill, A. and Motley, P. (2011) Methods of Reflection about Service-Learning Experiences: Guided vs. Free, Public vs. Private, and Dialogic vs. Expressive. Presented at the International Association for Research in Service-Learning and Civic Engagement, Chicago, Il.
Motley, P. and Sturgill, A. (2011) Affordances of International Service-Learning: Enhancing Learning Through Authenticity and Autonomy. Presented at the International Association for Research in Service-Learning and Civic Engagement, Chicago, Il.
Sturgill, A., Motley, P., and S. Nam. (2011) International Service-learning as a Mechanism for Building Skills in Mass Communication: Enhancing Ability through Authentic Experiences. Presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual meeting, St. Louis, MO.
Poller, B., Davis, K., and A. Sturgill. (2010) Trying to become a pod star. Presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual meeting, Denver, Colo.
Collins, B., Zhenge, Z., and A. Sturgill (2010) The Effects of Media Use on Religious PeopleÕs Perceptions of Politics and Science. Presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual meeting, Denver, Colo.
Sturgill, A. and Mia Moody. (2009) Coverage of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Scandal in Election 2009. Presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
Suggs, E., Tariq, A. and Amanda Sturgill (2009). Scope and purposes of cult websites. Presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Midwinter Meeting, Religion and Media Interest Group, Norman, OK.
Pierce, R., Wang, Y. and Amanda Sturgill (2009) Online news web sites: User preferences for content amount and organization. Presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Midwinter Meeting, Religion and Media Interest Group, Norman, OK.
Freeman, J., Winchester, C. and Amanda Sturgill (2009). The Effect of Audio Recording on Reportorial Accuracy: Implications for Teaching Beginning Journalists . Presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Midwinter Meeting, Religion and Media Interest Group, Norman, OK.
Moody, M., Sturgill, A., Flemming, N., & Liz Wood. (2008) Coverage of the Don Imus/Rutgers Story: A Comparison of Mainstream and Minority Newspaper Coverage Presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Midwinter Meeting, Minorities and Communication Division, Pittsburgh.
Grose, M., Coleman, K., Zhang, F. & Amanda Sturgill (2008) Framing Images of the Iraq War: Effects of Membership in the "Coalition of the Willing". Presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Midwinter Meeting, International Communication Division, Pittsburgh.
Orand, A, Sutton, A., Findley, C. and Sturgill, A. (2007) Perceptions of the Credibility of News Stories on Web Sites and Web Logs: A Study of University Students. To be presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Midwinter Meeting, Feb., 2007, Reno, Nevada.
Chapman, C., Copenhaver, J. and Sturgill, A. (2007) Uses and Gratifications of the Facebook. To be presented at the Western Social Science Association, Mass Communication Section, April 2007, Alberta, Canada.
Winney, J, Libhart, T. and Sturgill, A. (2007) Harry Potter and Children's Perceptions of the News Media. To be presented at the Western Social Science Association, Mass Communication Section, April 2007, Alberta, Canada.
Baker, J., Sumrall, L. and Sturgill, A. (2006) Differences in Use of Interactive Capability by Evangelistic and Non-evangelistic Denominations' Web Sites: A Content Analysis. Presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Midwinter Meeting, Feb, 2006, Bowling Green, Ohio.
Smith, C. L., Ray, J., Owens, B. and Sturgill, A. (2006). Foreign News Content of the Khaleej Times and Austin American-Statesman: A Content Analysis. Presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Midwinter Meeting, Feb, 2006, Bowling Green, Ohio.
Hagelstein, A., Shalamanov, J., Shook, M. and Sturgill, A. (2006) Attention and Recall of Web Site Banner Advertising. Presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Midwinter Meeting, Feb, 2006, Bowling Green, Ohio.
Sturgill, A. and Zastoupil, K. (2005) Group Communication, Technology and College Newspaper Editors Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
Sturgill, A. "Municipal Information Web Sites and the Language Divide" Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Toronto, August, 2004.
Sturgill, A. "Rural Voters' and Local Elections on the Internet: Implications for Web Site Design" Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Toronto, August, 2004.
Sturgill, A. (2003). Images of Journalists in the Harry Potter Series of Children's Books. Southwestern Symposium of the Southwestern Education Council in Journalism and Mass Communication, Salt Lake City, November, 2003.
Sturgill, A., Belew, C., Holmes, M., Jongsuwanwattana, P., and Purohit, P.) Use of On-line Bulletin Boards by Churches - an Exploratory Study. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Kansas City, August, 2003.
Sturgill, A., Sturgill, D., Jun, S. and Jongsuwanwattana, P. (2002). Legal, technical and global implications of using the Internet to conduct research: Ideas for a changing world.. International Communication Association Conference, July, Seoul.
(With Thacker, J.) (2002) Scope and purposes of church web sites. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Communication Technology and Policy Division Mid-Winter Conference. February, Athens, GA.
(With Sturgill, D.) (2001) Baylor PERCIEVE IT: the Project to Extend Real Classroom Experience and Interaction Via Easy, Interactive Tools. Association for Computing Machinery's conference on computer science education, February, Charlotte, NC.
Sturgill, A. (2000) Legal and ethical considerations of using the internet to collect mass communication data. Western Social Science Association, April 25-26, San Diego, Calif.
(With Washington, Lyndia G.) (2000) New technologies and print media: Boon or boondoggle? Western Social Science Association, April 25-26, San Diego, Calif.
(With Huang, B., Moody-Hall, M. and Stuber, S.) (2000) Use of the World Wide Web as a public relations tool by PR firms. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Communication Technology and Policy Division Mid-Winter Conference, February 25-26, Denver, Colo.
(With Gay, G., Martin, W., and Huttenlocher, D.) (1999) Networked communication technologies for technical education: A study of document-based peer groups. International Communication Association,, May 27-31, San Francisco, Calif.
(With Rieger, R. and Gay, G.) (1999) Net or Naught: Evaluating the effectiveness of on-line advertising. Western Social Science Association, April 21-24, Fort Worth, Texas.
Sturgill, Amanda. (1998) (Mis) Communication across boundaries of space: The effects of telecommuting on group communication. International Communication Association, July 20-24, Jerusalem, Israel.
(With Trumbull, D. & Gay, G.) (1998) Beliefs shaping reactions to a computer software program: Will multimedia reform schools? American Educational Research Association, San Diego.
(With Gay, G. & Trumbull, D.) (1997) Usage of a text - and picture-based computer program for collaboration and communication: Research and design issues. Presented at International Communication Association, May, Montreal. (With Kleinman, S.; Kilker, J. & Gay, G.) (1997) Plus ca change, plus c1est la meme chose: A case study of mixed gender communication in a supportive computer-mediated communication environment. Presented at International Communication Association, May, Montreal.
Sturgill, Amanda. (1996). Taking the helm on line: Social predictors of computer network adoption and use. Presented at Speech Communication Association applied communication division, Nov, San Diego, Calif.
(With Lentini, M. and Gay, G.) (1996). Effects of media richness on group process variables: Implications for telecommuting. Presented at Telecommuting ë96. April 24-25, Jacksonville, FL.
(With Ostman, R.; Toor, M. et al.) (1995) Use of computers in undergraduate graphic design education. Presented at Speech Communication Association Annual Meeting, November 1995, San Antonio.
Sturgill, Amanda. (2006). Church Web sites and the Differently Abled. Presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Meeting, Religion and Media and Media and Disability Interest Groups, San Francisco, Calif.
Sturgill, Amanda. (2004) New Technologies for Journalism. Public Affairs Officers, Texas Department of Transportation, meeting in Waco, Texas, September 15, 2004.
Sturgill, Amanda. (2004) Journalists and Entertainment Media. Journalism Students, Texas Christian Academy, April, 2004.
Sturgill, Amanda. (2004). Self Censorship by Advisers. Texas Intercollegiate Press Association, meeting in Austin, Texas, April 2, 2004.
Sturgill, Amanda. (2003) New York Stories: Application of the Mentoring Model to Journalism Education. Seventh and James Baptist Church, Waco, Texas, Oct. 1, 2003.
Sturgill, Amanda. (2003) Rural VotersÕ Use of the Internet for Local Campaign Information. Scholarship Day, Feb. 2003, Baylor University.
(With Sturgill, D.) (1999) New computer tools to enhance education using networked computers. Scholarship Day, Feb. 10, , Baylor University.
Sturgill, Amanda. (1998). Learning in action: A case study of student use of computer-mediated communication to support technology education. Faculty Research Day, Feb. 18, Baylor University.
(With Gay, G.; Trumbull, D. & Rieger, R.) Using multimedia to evaluate multimedia. Workshop presented at ACM Multimedia, November, Boston.
Sturgill, Amanda. (1995). Social Predictors of Computer Network Adoption and Use. Presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Regional Graduate Student Conference, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland.