I was born in Fairbanks, Alaska, and did most of my growing up in Westport, CT, (home of Michael Bolton, Martha Stewart and me). I had a bit of time to get acclimated to the south during undergraduate school at the University of South Carolina, but quickly lost it some time when I lived in upstate New York at Cornell for graduate school and then 14 years in Texas, teaching at Baylor.
My husband, David Sturgill, teaches computer science at the North Carolina State University. He's a genius.
In my free time, I enjoy my family, hiking and camping, reading and making music
(I play the handbells).
We live in Chapel Hill, NC. When we are not enjoying
our house, we love to travel.
Our most recent trip was on the staff of the International Computer Programming Contest, held last year in Warsaw, Poland.
Claire Elizabeth Sturgill is 13 and Lucy Paige is 6. We want to take them both to all seven continents eventually. Right now, we're up to four - still missing Australia, South America and Antarctica.